We need help to multiply the important work of creating healing communities. We encourage your call to provide emotional, spiritual and mental health opportunities to your organization or community and welcome your interest in becoming a partner with us.

Through learning and offering our small group curriculum, you can be a sacred place of deep caring and intentional listening where every life is valued, every story heard. You can be the place where people hear “you matter”.


 We want to partner with others who share the same values and commitment to a healthy group process:

  • Inclusivity for all group participants

  • Respect for the sacred space and stories shared by those in group

  • Desire to listen to others, not to teach others

  • Commitment to best practices of our group process

  • A spirit of humility, openness and learning

Small group work is not easy but it is incredibly rewarding and meaningful. For 20 years, we have studied and practiced this process. Time and time again we have seen group participants transformed as they experience emotional and spiritual freedom.


First, you will need to fill out our PARTNERSHIP APPLICATION.

You will also need to experience our foundational curriculum, Journey to Freedom, by personally participating in an online 8-week group. It is vital to fully understand our process before taking next steps. Participating in group is NOT the same as training to be a group leader. It is simply a chance for you to genuinely experience our group process.

You can participate in a group without any obligation to committing to partnership. It is your time to evaluate and discern if this is the right program for you, your organization and community.


It is important to look over these important questions about the program before moving toward a partnership.

How many groups would you like to offer in a year?

The answer to this question will help you set expectations for how many group leaders and books you will need. It will also help you think about who and how to market the group to attract participants. Each group requires 2 trained facilitators to lead.

Who will coordinate and lead your small group program effort?

It is very important to have someone willing to lead this programming effort throughout the year. Someone who will plan dates and times for group, create or coordinate marketing, sign up group participants, order books, and choose group leaders. These things cannot happen without intentional planning.

What resources will you need to sustain your efforts?

It is important to think through the program over time. Do you plan on charging participants to attend group to cover your books and materials? If not, can you budget for these costs? How will additional training fees be covered if you recruit additional group facilitators? Will the leaders cover their own costs, split the cost with you or will you cover the cost for them?


While Journey to Freedom is our foundational curriculum, we also have 6 additional curriculums, a student curriculum (for ages 14-22) and access to translated versions of Journey to Freedom for diverse populations. Additional trainings are available for these.


All of our partners sign an agreement that outlines the boundaries and expectations of the relationship. Our agreement is meant to offer mutual help and respect to one another and make the program the best it can be, no matter where it is offered in the world.

Want to know more about our organization and our process? Check out our podcast, Searching Inward. Meet the staff and find out what we are all about. Click here to listen!